What Is the Most Broadly-Supported International Agreement on Climate Change

Climate change is a global issue that requires international cooperation and agreement to address its causes and effects. Over the years, several international agreements have been signed in an effort to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Of all the international agreements on climate change, the most broadly-supported one is the Paris Agreement. Signed in December 2015, the Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming to below two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

The Paris Agreement replaced the previous international climate change agreement, the Kyoto Protocol, which only set targets for developed countries and did not include all major emitters. The Paris Agreement, on the other hand, includes all countries, including the major emitters such as China and the United States.

Under the Paris Agreement, each country is required to set and regularly report on their own nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These NDCs are reviewed every five years to ensure that they are ambitious enough to meet the global temperature goals.

The Paris Agreement was signed by 196 countries and ratified by 189, making it the most widely supported international agreement on climate change. It has been praised for its inclusive and transparent nature, which allows for collaboration and accountability among all countries.

In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the Paris Agreement also includes provisions for adaptation and financial support to help developing countries address the impacts of climate change. Developed countries have pledged to provide $100 billion annually in climate finance to developing countries by 2020, and to increase this amount in the future.

Overall, the Paris Agreement is the most broadly-supported international agreement on climate change. It is a landmark achievement in global efforts to combat climate change, as it includes all countries and sets ambitious goals to limit global warming and address its impacts.